Apollo vs. RocketReach

See why users choose Apollo over RocketReach

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Apollo.io vs RocketReach

Why Apollo is the choice over RocketReach

End-to-end sales engine

We offer more than just a lead database. We help you sell faster and smarter with an all-in-one solution.

Smarter and faster prospecting

Find more valuable contact and company data with robust search functions and intelligent recommendations.

High-quality data with a lower cost

Reach ROI faster with more high-quality contact and company data at a low cost per credit.

See how Apollo compares against other platforms




Number of verified emails available.

Phone Numbers

Number of verified phone numbers available.

Most Accurate

Data accuracy of database.

Not available
Not available

Prospecting Features

Advanced Filters

Use 65+ search filters to find high-value leads.

Google Calendar Integration

View contact data and insights within Google calendar.

Job Change Alerts

Get alerts when contacts change companies.

CRM Enrichment

Replace outdated data with accurate data.

Engagement Features


Automate your entire outbound workflow.

Email Automation

Create automated emails, templates, and A/B tests.

Click-to-Call Dialer

Auto record, transcribe, and join active calls.

LinkedIn Task Integration

Connect, send messages, and view LinkedIn contacts.

Workflow Features

Bilateral CRM sync

Bi-directional sync with Salesforce and Hubspot CRM.

Scoring Engine

Assign scores to contacts and accounts.

Rules Engine

Automate tasks across prospecting and engagement.

Advanced Analytics

Create pre-built or custom analytics reports.

G2 Crowd Rankings

Quality of Support

Timely and quality of support.

Ease of Doing Business With

Satisfaction with the ease of doing business with.

Product Direction

Sentiment on positive product direction.

Overall Satisfaction Score

Overall score for meeting users needs.


How Apollo beats RocketReach

All-in-one platform

A powerful all-in-one go-to-market engine

We help sales teams work faster and smarter by offering a B2B database, engagement suite, and workflow engine. Easily and quickly go from prospecting to connecting with your leads through Apollo or any of our integration partners.

More data intelligence

Better data insights and easier to use

Find more valuable contact and company data attributes, robust search functions, and intelligent recommendations. Our platform is easy to use and intuitive and has 65+ data filters allowing you to quickly and precisely target your ideal customer.

Unbeatable plans

More affordable plans to scale your team

Apollo has over a million users with plans that fit every seller from a 1-person team to a 20-person team or more. Our plans include more credits, phone numbers, and engagement features.

What users have to say about Apollo and RocketReach

RocketReach struggle to find emails that have not so usual pattern.

99% of the time I use Apollo.io Chrome Extension to find emails of prospects on LinkedIn. Often popular tools like Hunter or RocketReach struggle to find emails that have not so usual pattern.

G2 - Martynas M

Lead Research Specialist, Small-Business

Apollo is the best one among them all.

Friendly application and it's the fastest one among all others. I have tried "Signal Hire" and "Skrapp.io" and "Wiza" and "RocketReach", and "Apollo" is the best one among them all. I can say I'm getting 80-85% good results overall.

Banking, Mid-Market

Apollo is a one-stop-shop for outreach and makes cold emailing 10x easier.

I love how affordable Apollo.io is, especially given the large number of features compared to other options like RocketReach and Hunter. Apollo is a one-stop-shop for outreach and makes cold emailing 10x easier.

Marketing and Advertising, Small-Business

Trusted by over a million users worldwide.


Frequently asked questions

How is Apollo.io different from RocketReach?

Apollo.io has more data attributes on each record and can provide more intelligent insights and recommendations. We have more powerful data search functionalities and robust filters allowing you to hone in on your ideal customer profile, faster and easier. We also offer an end-to-end solution that allows you to automate your entire sales workflow.

Does Apollo.io or RocketReach have better data accuracy?

According to users in G2, Apollo offers better data accuracy than RocketReach for both contacts and companies.

We know that having access to accurate verified data is the most important. For that reason, Apollo provides a free account that you can sign up for at any time with access to 50 email credits. With those email credits, you’d be able to run a side-by-side data sample comparison yourself. Or request a demo and meet with one of our team members to learn more about our data.

How is prospecting on Apollo.io versus RocketReach?

Apollo.io has more than 250 million contacts and 60 million companies in our database, with new records being added constantly. We offer more sophisticated prospecting tools, such as the Apollo Chrome Extension that works on LinkedIn, Gmail, Google Calendar, and any website to quickly and easily find emails and numbers. We also provide more robust filtering capabilities with over 65+ basic and advanced filters in our database of over 200+ data attributes for you to hone in on your ideal customer profile.

How does Apollo.io compare to RocketReach in product features?

Apollo.io offers an end-to-end solution where you can automate your entire sales workflow. Unique features to Apollo.io compared to RocketReach are many including; email automation, click-to-call dialer, bilateral CRM sync, job change alerts, advanced analytics, and more! Go from finding a lead on LinkedIn to contacting them with an automated email with just the click of a button.