Apollo vs. ZoomInfo

See why users choose Apollo over ZoomInfo

Get to ROI faster with more people data, more powerful sales features, and simple pricing plans made for growing teams.

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Why Apollo is the choice over ZoomInfo

Faster and more nimble

Get instant access to our platform and discover value immediately without meetings needed.

Easy to use yet powerful

Streamline and automate workflows with more robust engagement and analytics features.

High-quality data at lower cost

Reach ROI faster with the contact data you need at a lower cost per credit.

See how Apollo compares against other platforms



Contact Records

Number of people in database.

Email Addresses

Number of verified email addresses.

Phone Numbers

Number of verified phone numbers.


Product Features

Dialer: Join Active Calls

Collaborate and coach in live calls.

Add-on Credits

Easily customize credits under admin settings.

Engagement Activity Filters

Filter contacts by email engagement.

Google Calendar Integration

View contact data and insights within Google calendar.

LinkedIn Task Integration

Connect, send messages and view LinkedIn contacts.

Rules Engine

Automate tasks across prospecting and engagement.

Advanced Analytics

Create pre-built or custom analytics reports.

Bilateral Hubspot sync

Bi-directional sync with Hubspot CRM.

G2 Crowd Rankings

Ease of Use

User-friendly and intuitive product.

Ease of Setup

Easy to get started.

Quality of Support

Timely and quality of support.

Overall Satisfaction Score

Overall score for meeting users needs.


How Apollo beats ZoomInfo

Apollo vs ZoomInfo
More data coverage

Better data reach

Apollo has nearly double the amount of people data in our database with actionable insights and intelligent recommendations that constantly surface high-value leads. Use our sophisticated filtering capabilities to quickly find your ideal customer profiles.

Apollo vs ZoomInfo
Access global data

Unlimited access to our database

Gain full access to Apollo’s complete global database of 250 million contacts and 60 million companies as part of your plan. We don’t slice and dice our data and charge differently for data from different regions.

Unbeatable plans

Unbeatable plans that allows you to scale

Our plans bundle data, engagement, and workflow feature all in one. Take the Apollo platform for a spin by signing up for a free plan and get instant platform access now. We don’t stand in your way with discovery calls and pricy plans.

What users have to say about Apollo and ZoomInfo

We can scale as we grow bigger.

The definite benefit is that we have been able to get a lot of deals closed through the leads from Apollo. We can scale as we grow bigger and have the entire team use their licenses because of the affordability, unlike ZoomInfo or other tools where even a single license costs a bomb.

Roshinee P - G2 User

E Mid-Market

I had issues with locating contact data on Zoominfo but Apollo always had it.

I almost always find the information I'm looking for, this was crucial when I had issues with locating contact data on Zoominfo but Apollo always had it.

Danial A - G2 User

Sales Engineer, Mid-Market

Zoominfo is outrageously more expensive.

[Apollo] is way better than any other contact finder or email finding tool I've seen in the market, rivaled only by Zoominfo which is outrageously more expensive. Specifically, Zoominfo is $15,000.00/year minimum for 3 people, whereas Apollo is only $40/month = $480/year. Wow, right?!

Head of Sales, Mid-Market

Trusted by over a million users worldwide.


Frequently asked questions

How is Apollo.io different from ZoomInfo?

Apollo provides more people data coverage and accuracy with straightforward pricing plans. You can instantly get access to our platform to evaluate if it fits your need. We don’t slow you down with calls and meetings just to access a trial.

Does Apollo.io or ZoomInfo have better data accuracy?

According to users in G2, Apollo offers better data accuracy than ZoomInfo for both contacts and companies.

We know that having access to accurate verified data is the most important. For that reason, Apollo provides a free account that you can sign up for at any time with access to 50 email credits. With those email credits, you’d be able to run a side-by-side data sample comparison yourself. Or request a demo and meet with one of our team members to learn more about our data.

Does Apollo.io or ZoomInfo have a larger database?

Apollo have nearly double the amount of contact data and emails compared to ZoomInfo. While ZoomInfo has more company data, you don’t have as much contact data and emails in order to reach your buyers and ideal customers.

What are the user reviews on Apollo.io vs ZoomInfo?

On a side-by-side comparison, Apollo has higher user reviews on G2 across every category. The categories include ease of use, ease of setup, ease of admin, quality of support, and ease of doing business.