Competitors Overview

How Apollo stacks up against other sales intelligence platforms

Sellers choose Apollo over others for the most accurate database and powerful end-to-end sales engine bundled in unbeatable plans.

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Trusted by over a million users worldwide.


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Number of verified emails available.

Phone Numbers

Number of verified phone numbers available.

Most Accurate

Data accuracy of database.

Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available

Prospecting Features

Google Calendar Integration

View contact data and insights within Google calendar.

CRM Enrichment

Replace outdated data with accurate data.

Job Change Alerts

Get alerts when contacts change companies.

Engagement Features


Automate workflows for emails, phone calls, and tasks.

Email Automation

Create automated emails, templates, and A/B tests.

Click-to-Call Dialer

Auto record, transcribe, and join active calls.

LinkedIn Task Integration

Connect, send messages, and view LinkedIn contacts.

Workflow Features

Bilateral CRM sync

Bi-directional sync with Salesforce and Hubspot CRM.

Scoring Engine

Assign scores to contacts and accounts.

Rules Engine

Automate tasks across prospecting and engagement.

Advanced Analytics

Create pre-built or custom analytics reports.

Why choose Apollo

Close more deals with Apollo

Accurate Database

More buyers with the most accurate database

Find more leads with better insights and intelligent recommendations. Apollo has the most accurate database with verified emails, phone numbers, and over 200 data attributes. Compared to others, we offer robust search functions which are easy to use and allow you to quickly find your ideal customers.

Streamline workflows
End-to-End Sales Engine

Streamline workflows end-to-end

Apollo is more than just a lead database. We help you work faster and smarter with an all-in-one solution. Quickly go from finding a relevant contact to reaching out with only a click of a button. Use our intelligent recommendations, automation, and reporting to keep optimizing your sales strategy.

High-quality data
Affordable and Flexible

High-quality data with a lower cost per credit

Reach ROI faster with the most accurate data at the best price. All of our plans include access to our database, engagement, and workflow features. Go as light or as advanced as you need on monthly or annual plans.

Create your dream sales platform with Apollo

Feature-Apollo API

Auto enrich your CRM, software applications, or any custom-built database with Apollo’s accurate data. Apollo API is easy to use and implement so you can keep data up-to-date.

Sales engagement & analytics

Automate engagement efforts with customizable, multi-step emails, calls, LinkedIn tasks, and more. A/B test your messaging and track metrics like delivered, opened, replied, and bounced to optimize your engagement.

Prospecting & intelligence

Find every buyer effortlessly with Apollo’s comprehensive and accurate B2B database. Easily save lists and personas, so we can automatically surface and recommend high-value leads to you.

Enrichment & job change alerts

Use our B2B database to enrich your CRM records and get more context on your leads. Update, cleanse, and enrich your data with Apollo through CSV, CRM, or API.


Apollo seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, Hubspot, and other sales platforms. You can also build custom integrations using our open API or Zapier-supported applications.


When using the Apollo database, you can feel safe that we adhere to international security standards and processes. We are ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type 1 certified, and GDPR compliant.

What our customers have to say

I'd recommend Apollo for anyone starting up in Sales.

Prior to Apollo, I was using ZoomInfo to generate and enrich leads. Since I switched, I noticed that Apollo has the capabilities of doing that and much more. I'd recommend Apollo for anyone starting up in Sales.

Nelson G

SDR Leader, Mid-Market

I cut out Lusha of my budget.

I like the ease of use partly because it is intuitive and also because I've been using it for years. Great at getting contacts, and often times their cell or direct line, so I could cut out Lusha of my budget.

Eric Brakebill

Founder, CEO, Head of Growth, Sales Interaction

We switched from and it's much better for half the price.

Apollo is helping our sales team find better and more accurate leads. We switched from and it's much better for half the price.

Marko B

Data Scientist/SEO Specialist, Small-Business

Better than Rocketreach and any other.

Apollo has performed more reliably than any other similar service thus far. Better than Rocketreach and any other.

Israel L - G2

ICA, Small-Business

RocketReach struggle to find emails that have not so usual pattern.

99% of the time I use Chrome Extension to find emails of prospects on LinkedIn. Often popular tools like Hunter or RocketReach struggle to find emails that have not so usual pattern.

G2 - Martynas M

Lead Research Specialist, Small-Business

My team has had a super easy transition from

​​I love the flexibility of the tool and its bilateral sync with HubSpot. My team has had a super easy transition from and can use HubSpot or Apollo to reach out to leads, and the sync will prevent issues like double emailing.

G2- Alysha G

Growth Operations Manager, Small-Business

See how we compare vs ZoomInfo

Get to ROI faster with more people data, more powerful sales features, and simple pricing plans made for growing teams. vs ZoomInfo Comparison vs Lusha

Get better data coverage, accuracy, and intelligence with our B2B database. Go from finding to contacting a buyer with one single click. vs Lusha Comparison vs

Prospect easier and faster with better data insights and intelligence on Apollo. Go from finding to contacting a buyer with one single click. vs Comparison vs RocketReach

Get more data insights and intelligent recommendations. Apollo help you sell faster and smarter with an all-in-one solution. vs RocketReach

Highest ranked sales intelligence and engagement solution on G2 Crowd

(based on 3,904 reviews)